Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A good thing to do in the morning.......

Breakfast is so important -- don't skip it.. If you don't have much time, try any one of these quick morning delights and make it a regular thing.....as they are highly beneficial to your general health and well being. Notice that each of the following meals combines fiber, protein and fruit.
Breakfast meal #1
Fruit and Toast - yes, it's that simple, and healthy if you purchase a high quality fiber/protein bread like "Milton's Multi Grain". Toast one or two slices and spread Trader Joe's Sunflower Seed butter on it. Also eat one whole piece of fresh fruit, or slice two different fruits and eat half of each. I like to slice half an organic red apple, and a kiwi. I put the remaining half in an airtight container in the refrigerator and have it the next morning.
Breakfast meal #2
Morning cocktail meal - squeeze 1 whole grapefruit. Add it to your blender. Add in 1/2 cup blueberries, one cup soy milk, rice milk or almond milk, and 3 tablespoons freshly ground flaxseeds. Blend very well on high. (Adjust quantities for your personal preference for a thin or thicker drink). There are unlimited variations you can make, get creative!
Breakfast meal #3
Fiber meal - oatmeal is probably one of the best things you can eat in the morning. I do not reommend instant flavored oatmeal as it is loaded with who knows what. Use regular oatmeal and cook following the package directions. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds atop. Enjoy with a glass of fresh fruit juice.
Breakfast meal #4
Brown Rice breakfast - prepare one or two servings of brown organic basmatic rice (takes about 40 minutes but you can cook it while getting ready for your day). Do not add salt. Serve with Paul Braggs Amino Acid. (If you've never tried this you are in for a treat. It's sort of like soy/tamari, but a lot healthier for you.) Enjoy this with a piece of your favorite fruit.
Breakfast #5
One egg delight - soft or hard boil one egg, make a slice of toast and spread with Brummel and Brown Yogurt butter and enjoy a slice of fresh fruit with it.

Notice there are no bagels here! And there are no unhealthy mystery meats. The above 5 breakfast selections are designed for busy people who want high nutrition, low salt and low calorie foods.

Start your day off right and you are sure to enjoy it even more.